
  • Madatova Bibimaryam English teacher of vocational school No. 1 in the Lensky district of Kashkadarya region


Adolescence, psychology, abilities, mental processes, parenting.


The article analyzes the factors of mental development, its main features and the formation of a new level of self-awareness during adolescence. Adolescents can be described as a unique socio-psychological and demographic group, with specific norms, attitudes, and specific forms of behavior that make up a specific adolescent subculture. The complex world of a teenager, which is not always clear to adults, requires daily support and adjustment. Therefore, when working with adolescents, it is often necessary to offer them help in learning new norms and rules, so that it will take a long and tiring journey to avoid correcting mistakes later. Knowledge of sensitive and critical periods in the development of mental abilities and functions allows a better understanding of the course of human development and timely diagnosis and correction of delays.


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