O‘zbekistonning 30 ta shahridagi floralar bo‘yicha tur xilma-xilligi haqidagi ma’lumotlarga asoslanib, urbanofloraning tur xilma-xilligini bir nechta omillarga (maydon, aholi soni va geografik joylashuvi) bog‘liqligi tahlil qilindi. Korrelatsion-regression tahlili natijalariga ko‘ra, aholi zichligi aniqlovchi omillardan biri hisoblanadi. Geografik joylashuv omillari (kenglik va uzunlik) esa mahalliy va kiruvchi turlar nisbatlarining o‘zgarishida muhim rol o‘ynaydi.Abstract
The study of urban floras has generated great interest among researchers. This is due to the accessibility of the research object, the availability of widely accepted methodologies and material processing techniques, as well as the relevance of the issue of changes in biological diversity under the influence of anthropogenic factors.
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